Getting Back in the Groove

Current projects

Before bringing this website up, I was working on two projects. One was a game where I was trying out the features of .Net Core from the console. What came from that was the budding of a new framework (initiated from an Open-Spaces Session from ThatConference) that I am currently writing and then plug into the former. I am not yet ready to share these two projects, but it has been a while since I have worked on them. Getting back into the groove, so to speak, can be hard after being away from something for so long. It really matters not what the project is, whether it is software or repairs/improvements on the house! It is about getting to the ritual of working on something, or doing anything. Sometimes life gets in the way, and puts you on a different trajectory.


Today, I get back to that groove of working on my projects. I am hopeful that the framework will be complete enough that I can share it, because I feel it can be useful for others as well.

Have you ever struggled getting back into the groove? I am sure you have, and I wish you luck on getting back into it!