
Antiyoy, image from Google Play

A Strategy Game

Antiyoy, is a, highly addictive, opened source game available for Android. According to a article it is based off of a game called Slay, from the mid 90s.


The object to the game is to conquer your opponents. However, this game is very organic in the sense of how your empire/kingdom(s) can expand or contract. Each collection of hexagonal territories has its own town hall and governance, whether through treasury, expenses, and military. In the event that two or more of these territories combine, so do their economies as well.

You have a basic set of units, (i.e. peasants, spearmen, barons, and knights), and they grow stronger (and more costly) respectively. There are also 4 types of buildings, (i.e. town hall, village hut, tower and magic tower), all except the village hut offers protection for your territory, the latter increases the income for a hex.

There are also trees that can grow and they actually sap your resources, in the exception of taking them for lumber you can gain coin.

Aside from all of this, that is the game, in a nutshell. I have only left out a few details.


There are a host of strategies you can take. You can use the old adage, “divide and conquer,” literally since you can halve your opponents strength if you can divide their empire. Oh, and I forgot to mention, the moment you cannot pay the wages of your troops they are gone the following turn! So you must manage your funds wisely!


The android game offers five players with 5 levels of AI competition with the option of hotseat multi-player! While the AI may be really challenging, it is not impossible to be the victor on the hardest setting! You even have the option to watch AI pit against each other without having a human player.


As I mentioned this is a very addictive game. I love the simplicity of it, but there is always a challenge. It has the feel of a boardgame (and it could almost be one) and I feel that is one of its charms.

The developer for this game is not done, they intend on extending it by adding some diplomacy/relations along with a fog of war. After a little refactor of course.

When I play, I always imagine these empires rising and falling like the great empires of history.

I suggest you take a chance, and make your own miniature history. I am certain you will not be disappointed!