St. Patrick's Day Irish Meal

St. Patrick's Day Irish Meal


  • 1 loaf Corned Beef Seitan (prepared separately)
  • 1 loaf Soda Bread (prepared separately)
  • 6 small-medium potatoes (quartered)
  • 4 carrots (into quarters and halved)
  • 1/4 green cabbage (peeled and cut in thirds)
  • Some salt (if you deem it necessary)


  1. Prepare Corned Beef Seitan and Soda Bread.
  2. In a large pot on high, fill with water, potatoes, carrots and add some salt. Bring to a boil and cook for 20-24 minutes.
  3. Within the last 6 minutes add the cabbage, be sure not to over cook.
  4. Prepare when vegetables are tender with your corned beef and soda bread.

Inspired by

Original recipe came from the corned beef recipe, but I also added carrots.


I decided to make an epic of a meal for St. Patrick’s Day, because everyone is Irish on that day, right, right!? Anyway, this was a fun meal to prepare, it was something different and a challenge that I can say I did not pass with flying colours, but that’s okay! I would definitely like to give the seitan another go and the soda bread as well.

Enjoy St. Patrick’s day, even if this post takes place the day after!