Teriyaki Cashew Stir Fry

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  • 2 tablespoon canola/vegetable oil
  • 1/2 onion (thinly sliced)
  • 4 celery stalks (sliced)
  • 2 large carrots (cut into thin sticks)
  • 1 cup unsalted whole cashews
  • 1 8oz can sliced water chestnuts (drained)
  • 1 5oz can bamboo shoots (drained)
  • 1/4 cup favourite teriyaki sauce
  • sliced onion greens for garnish


  1. In a wok or large pot, heat oil on high. When oil is warm enough, add onion, celery, carrots, cashews, water chestnuts, and bamboo shoots. Cook for about 7 minutes, stirring frequently otherwise it will burn!
  2. Place into serving bowl.
  3. Serve over rice, quinoa, or protein pasta. Garnish with onion greens.


I had some leftover frozen teriyaki sauce from this lovely recipe!


This was some great use of the teriyaki sauce just sitting in the fridge for a month or so. When making the sauce, from the original recipe, I was able cut it into thirds. I used one of those thirds for this recipe.

I do not often make a stir fry, but I am so glad that I did. Usually, I make a more, “sauté fry,” with olive oil (out of laziness) and since you cannot cook at a high enough temperature it gets really heavy. I think I will forego the whole olive oil approach for a stir fry moving forward!

With this recipe, it definitely lacks a protein, I would recommend topping a protein that compensates. Simply rice will not suffice, such as quinoa/rice mix or a protein pasta. Feel free to add a tofu or chicken, I think the latter would go really well with this.

I also added some steamed broccoli on the side. If the broccoli started off frozen, it makes the stir fry soggy, and that is not the texture I am looking for.

Ahh, another thing! The onion greens, I just need to mention. I have an onion in a pot, with soil, that started to sprout while it was sitting on the shelf. It’s been providing greens all winter long! (and spring that feels like winter!). These work really well for a green onion substitute for garnishes, since it’s a more mild flavour. Just do not forget to water it!

Now, bring out ‘dem chop sticks and get to your bowl!