One-pot Cheddar Mac 'n Cheese

One-pot Cheddar Mac 'n Cheese


  • 2 1/2 cups macaroni (dry)
  • 2 3/4 cups milk (used whole)
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 1/2 cups cheddar (grated)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • liberal use of crushed peppercorn


  1. In a pot, on medium heat, combine all ingredients. Bring to a boil, stirring periodically.
  2. Reduce heat to medium low for an additional 10 minutes or until creamy, continue to stir periodically.
  3. Serve, ideally with some broccoli, or something!


Actually came across this recipe on a reddit post a little over a month ago. It took me a while to actually go ahead and make it. In addition, it was all in metric and I had to do some conversions. The heat recommendations were not listed either, so I had to figure that out as well. The original poster also used different cheeses, I stuck with one, it might have something to do with why theirs looks creamier (temperature might have something to do with it as well).


This was a quick fix meal. I definitely recommend adding other sides as well, and not just stick to the mac-n-cheese. Broccoli, I find, works really well with mac-n-cheese. So I recommend you add that on the side. I also seasoned some chickpeas on the above image, too.

One other thing, that I do not usually do, is going with a traditional pasta. Usually, I cook with a protein or at the very least whole grain. I did not do that this time. I find that since I cannot rinse the pasta that it would have had a funny taste (I rinse my whole grain and protein pastas because of it). I could always try to making the pasta separate sometime and try it out as a variation.

Give it a go, and let me know if you do anything different!